Board of Directors

Qutren Nada Ahmad is the Chief Executive Officer/Founder CIC Enrichment Centre, an institution that manages a chain of children franchise centres under the brand name of CIC or Children Islamic Centre. She has played an important role in shaping the Islamic children education sector in Malaysia by becoming the pioneer and leader in the industry. She also contributed in various related forums and seminars in Malaysia and globally. She is one of the advisors of Early Childhood Education programmes. Qutren Nada is active in international franchise conferences and showcase. In 2010-2015, she represented Malaysia in numbers of Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Matrade) trade mission in few Asian countries, the Middle East, Turkey and also Russia. She is also a member of Asean Retail Chains and Franchise Federation and Malaysian Franchise Association. She also leads CIC’s diverse business deals in Indonesia. She works closely with international associates, especially in introducing new technology and child centre management application from Australia.

Masterclass award in Child Enrichment Program, Selangor
Excellence Business Award by Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Negeri Selangor
Masterclass Award Islamic Child Enrichment by Asean Retail Franchise Federation (ARFF)
Global Best Brand Child Enrichment Program (SME Category),
Global Branding Award by American Leadership Development Association (ALDA)
Masterclass Award in Business ICON of the year (Islamic Education), Selangor
Excellence Business Award by Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Negeri Selangor
The BrandLaureate – SMEs BEST BRANDS Award Product Branding Education Pre School Islamic Education -
Global Responsible Business Leadership Awards –Islamic Education Excellence
Mohd Yusof bin Hassan is very well known for his expertise in turning low performing schools into excellent schools using one simple approach: a devoted emphasis on Religious Studies. After receiving his Teaching Certificate and Bachelor in Education in years 1979 and 1983 respectively, Yusof went on to complete his Master’s Degree in Education in 2000. After years of becoming a teacher, he was elected as the Principal at SMK Putrajaya Presint 16(1) and drove the school to its current success in a span of 15 years.
Yusof has written a paper entitled ‘Activity-Based Human Capital Formation Co-Academic’. From 2013-2015, Yusof was the Head of the Principal Interview Panel. SMK Putrajaya Presint 16(1) came in second, in a Maulidur Rasul parade held at a national level in 2014.
2015 has been the highlight of career when he was recognised and awarded the Tokoh Guru Putrajaya by the Ministry of Education. In the same year, Yusof founded and became the coordinator of the TAHFIZ Putrajaya School Programme.
As the advisor of Abedeen Academy, he oversees the management and operation of the school. He also provides training to develop the teacher’s skills and in nurturing them to become the country’s teaching force to be reckoned with. Some of the trainings that have been conducted are: Traits of an Excellent Teacher, Importance of Human Capital and Execution of Lesson Plan.
Dr. Mohd Rushdan graduated with a PhD in Islamic Sufism from University of Exeter, United Kingdom. He is currently the Deputy Director, Centre for Academic Leadership, Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT).
As a subject matter expert in Islamic thought and sciences, Dr. Rushdan has carried out a project research entitled Development of Integrated Psychospiritual Treatment Model from the Therapeutic Community Modality to Reduce Relapse Rate in Drug. In addition to that, he is a consultant for the Integrated Therapy Community Model in Drug Rehabilitation and Treatment.
In 2014, his publication The Contributions of Da’waH Organization in Accomplishing Social Sustainability in Malaysia was released at an international event in Universiti Islam Malaysia (USIM). He was also given the Research Award at the 23rd International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX2012) for his research on Muslims’ Spiritual Quotient Inventory (MSQI)
After graduating with a Master’s Degree in IT and Multimedia from University of Leeds, United Kingdom in 1998, Mohd Nazri began his involvement in molding the face of education.
By March 2007, he was promoted as the Senior Lecturer of Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industries of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), a post he is still holding. Not long after, he was appointed as the Coordinator of UPSI Holdings, a post he held until January 2016. For 3 years since 2010, he was a member of Association for The Advancement of Computing in Education. He went on to win a silver medal at the MyGOSS 2011-MyGuru3 in 2011.
Out of his many publications, “Anugerah Inovasi Negara 201” was showcased in PWTC, KL from 15-16 November 2011. He became the Project Director for MyFIS@LUAS, Lembaga Urus Air Selangor in 2014, a 1 year project and has completed his thesis entitled Keberkesanan Perisian Multimedia Berasaskan Pendekatan Permainan Dalam Pembelajaran Numerasi Dalam Kalangan Murid Linus Tahun Satu di Peringkat Hilir.
Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mohammad Rozie Bin Mohd Rejab is well known throughout the country because of his numerous appearances on both the television screen and radio. He is one of the panels for TV3’s AlKulliyah, TV9’s Tanyalah Ustaz, IKM.FM and RTM. In 2001, he achieved his diploma in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM). He then attained his Professional Degree in Logistic Management from Chatered Insititute of Logistics and Transport, United Kingdom in 2004.
Mohammad Rozie is very active and is a member of several organizations such as the Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety and Health (MSOSH), Majlis Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi and Chartered Institute of Logistic and Transport, United Kingdom. From 2012 to date, he is also a member of Persatuan Pengamal Pengurusan Keselamatan, Kesihatan Persekitaran Pekerjaan Malaysia (KESEJAHTERA/OSHEM).
Because of his vast knowledge in the religion of Islam and Tilawah Al-Quran, he has been invited as a motivational speaker and lecturer to countless programs held by organizations such as Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS), Insititut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH), and many more. As one of the advisors of the main board of Abedeen Academy, Rozie hopes that the school will maintain a commitment to foster the students to become world class leaders.