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Message From Alumni

Assalamualaikum W.B.T. Alhamdulillah, thank you for the opportunity given to me. I am blessed to be here in Abedeen. Even though I was here only for 11 months, I have been challenged and changed to be a better person. I lacked of confidence, was demotivated and timid. How fast Abedeen changed someone’s personality in a short period.

I came from a school located near my house in Ampang. As I was bullied by 15-20 students in the Musolla during prayers for several times, I was discouraged to go to school. After one day of skipping school, it kept going. In my 204 days of school, I only attended about half of it. My fear of going to school was surreal. But I kept reminding myself not to hit them back just as my father’s advice. He did not know that I was bullied in the school until my friend told my brother in law. It made me demotivated and my grades were dropping through the semester. As an effect of the bully, I only played games at home and did not bother about my studies.

When they saw that my grades were dropping, they researched about this school and made me come here. At first, I was annoyed with my lack of confidence. I did not know how to read Al-Quran and I did not have the faintest idea about the world.

I grew fond of Abedeen, with my In Sha Allah lifelong friends I made here. This is no longer a school for me, but my second home. Here, I learned to read Al-Quran, knowing about the world and Islam, having to compromise with others, learned to be a leader and to work in a team. I started to ignore games and concentrate on all my studies and responsibilities.

Abedeen has changed me into a new person. It has disciplined me and shaped me into who I am now. It’s hard for me to leave Abedeen but I need to because I have more responsibilities to hold in future.

I thank Allah SWT, my parents and family who guided me and introduced me to this school. I thank all the teachers, my brothers & my sisters here who made the experience more valuable in my life. Far above everything, I would like to thank the CEO of Abeeden, Puan Qutren Nada Ahmad and Tuan Azizi Ahmad for establishing such a good school for us to learn closely like a family. I hope this environment of relationship will continue in the future. Thank you for everything. I will bring all my memories to where I am going. Not forgetting, here is where I started to be the best of me.

My advice to Abedeen students: You must have determination and discipline in your life in order to be a better Muslim and also to be the best leader in the future. It is never wrong to have a future CEO/Engineer/Accountant/Tan Sri/Puan Sri who can fluently recite Quran Al Kareem. We should achieve excellence in both Dunia and Akhirat. Here is where we start; 1) Love and Respect our family 2) Love and Respect our Teachers 3) Love and Respect each other.

Lastly, I would like to apologize if I did anything wrong and would seek your prayers for a smooth sailing future. And not to forget, I would also like to seek your prayers for my niece who has been admitted in PPUM with a rare disease May she recover soon. Thank you so much Abedeen Academy.

Muhammad Sa’ddiq Shorbaini

Abedeen Academy ALUMNI