Safety & Security
The safety of the students is taken very seriously at Abedeen Academy. The school compound is gated with guards stationed at every entry point to ensure student’s security.
Visitors and Parents
All visitors and parents who come to Abedeen Academy will park their cars at the basement and gain access to the Ground Floor using the lift or escalator to have themselves registered at the Guard Station to obtain the Visitor’s Pass before allowed access to the school grounds. Visitors and parents must then head to the Main Office on the First Floor where the Administrative Team will assist with any requests and inquiries. We seek full cooperation from visitors and parents to ensure the safety and security around the school.
All students are to be dropped of at the basement. As you turn into the school compound, follow the ‘Student Pick Up/Drop Off Point’ sign. Each student will be escorted to the lift by a teacher or a member of security. Students are PROHIBITED from using the escalator.
Student ID Card
Upon successful enrolment to Abedeen Academy, students will receive their Student ID which comprises of 1 student ID card, 1 ID card casing, and 1 Abedeen Academy lanyard. We seek parents’ cooperation to ensure that your child wears their student ID card to school every day. Every student who enters the school MUST tag their ID card at the security console of the lift door. Student’s yearly attendance will be tracked and computed through the system. Failure to tag their student ID will cause their attendance to be recorded as absent.
The Student ID Card also functions as their Meal Card. The transaction for Meal is based on the “Touch ‘n Go” concept. Every payment made for Meal will be credited into the student’s ID card. At the point of purchase, the cafeteria will scan the student’s card and the amount spent will be deducted from the card. As the credited amount in the card lessens, the student ID card will need a top up. The amount to be topped up into the card depends on the amount you would like to allocate for your child. The frequency of topping up depends on your child’s usage. For siblings, it is very much advised to perform the Meal payment and top up for each child. Kindly follow the current JomPAY payment procedure to perform a top up.